We follow JOLLY PHONICS methodology
LEVEL 1 - Ages: 3 to 5 years
A lively introduction to basic letter sounds, grouped into families, helping the child pick up the words faster: ‘at’ words, ‘in’ words, ‘ap’ words etc. Fun exercises like matching words with pictures, filling in the missing letter, drawing and colouring activities keep the child engaged. Introduction to uppercase and lowercase alphabets are provided to those who have still not mastered letter recognition.
LEVEL 2 - Ages: Ages: 6 to 7 years
We introduce more letter sounds, grouped into families, helping the child learn harder words: ‘ain’ words, ‘all’ words etc., in this level. A lot more fun exercises like circling the appropriate words colouring similar sounding words, filling in missing letters and word search puzzles to provide the child with more practice. We ensure the regular dictation practice to make the children remember the spelling pattern of hard words.
LEVEL 3 - Ages: 8 years & above Basic Language Development
Training by well trained and experienced Primary School Teachers. Reading comprehension, related questions and answers to improve the child’s reading and observation skills. Vocabulary exercises are provided to build up the child’s word bank. Grammar exercises helps the child to comprehend the different aspects of English grammar. Fun exercises like matching, fill ups, word picture association and speaking activities. Regular writing practice and spot dictation given. Supportive materials Post evaluation for Phonetics.
Classes : LKG to Class V
Activity Timings : 4.00 PM to 7.00 PM

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